Inspired by a series she saw on television, a 13-year-old girl from Rajasthan faked her own abduction allegedly after she got upset with her parents for scolding her. The girl's claims came crashing down when the matter was taken to the police and a preliminary investigation revealed how her story about getting abducted and escaping from the clutches of her captors turned out to be blatant lies.
A day after she was chided by her parents, the girl left home on the pretext of going to her coaching classes but instead went to a relative's residence. Once there, she claimed that unknown men in a white van abducted and blindfolded her before throwing her in the back of the van where she passed out. The girl also said that she managed to escape the clutches of her captors when the vehicle stopped near Paota circle, adding that there was another hostage in the van.
The police examined CCTV footage from Chopasani and Paota which led them to believe that the girl could be lying. Upon questioning, the 13-year-old confessed to fabricating the story of her abduction after she was upset and angry with her parents for scolding her.