Delhi Police has arrested Apoorva Tiwari, the wife of ND Tiwari's son Rohit Shekhar for murdering her husband. The police has cited a "turbulent and unhappy" marriage as the motive. A Delhi court has sent Apoorva to two-day police custody.
Rohit Shekhar, the son of the late veteran politician ND Tiwari, was smothered to death on the intervening night of April 15 and 16, an autopsy report said.
Additional Commissioner (Crime) Rajeev Ranjan said that Apoorva smothered her husband and choked him with a pillow after the couple got into a fight on April 16. Apoorva had a heated argument with her husband over Rohit drinking alcohol with a woman relative.
"On the night of the incident, the couple had a fight over a relative. Rohit had been drinking all the way from Uttarakhand to Delhi and was not in a condition to resist. During the fight she pounced on him and smothered him," he told reporters.
She entered Rohit's room on April 16 and executed the crime. She later destroyed the evidence. All this happened within one-and-half hours," said the officer.