Poonam Pandey, who got married to Sam Bombay on September 11, filed a complaint against her husband claiming he had molested, threatened and assaulted her. Actor Poonam Pandey’s husband Sam Bombay was arrested on Tuesday in Goa. Source: IE
Sam Bombay's net-worth is Rs 76 Crores as per news sites. He should have got a pre-nap agreement before marrying Poonam Pandey to protect himself against "marital extortion". Marital extortion is a common occurrence where a woman marries a rich man, and then starts threatening him with threats to file dowry and other complaints in order to harass the man and extort money. All such evil things are happening because of "gender biased laws".
Laws in our country are totally gender biased in favor or women and against men. There are gender specific laws for women which are misused and all such laws are stringent against men and cause their defamation and victimization. On the other hand, there is no gender specific law to protect men.
It is high time our country's leaders should repeal the gender biased laws and make those fair to both genders, men and women.
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